Get Back on Track: Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer

The best prevention against colorectal cancer is early detection. But data shows many Americans have put off colorectal cancer screenings during the COVID-19 pandemic. This March, which happens to be Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, make your health a priority—make sure you are up to date on your colorectal cancer screenings.

There are several types of colorectal cancer screenings that can be performed. The most common is colonoscopy. This procedure allows your provider to examine the entire colon for signs of colorectal cancer and colon polyps. A colonoscopy is the best colorectal cancer screening test.

In a new SolutionHealth podcast, Michael Kaczanowski, MD, AGAF, from Foundation Gastroenterology at Southern New Hampshire Health, explains why these screenings are so important and the other options that are available. If you are 50 years old and you haven’t been screened for colorectal cancer, reach out to your primary care provider. Please urge your patients to do the same!

Click here to listen!

Posted: 3/8/2021