Foundation Vascular Surgery

Foundation Vascular Surgery

8 Prospect Street
2nd Floor, North II Specialty
Nashua, NH 03060

Phone: 603-577-3070
Fax: 603-577-3075


MyChart Makes It Easy

SolutionHealth MyChart is the secure patient portal for Southern New Hampshire Health. Here, you can communicate with your doctor, access test results, request prescription refills, manage appointments, and more.

About Our Practice

The experienced team of vascular surgeons from Foundation Vascular Surgery – part of the SolutionHealth Vascular Center – offers comprehensive vascular care and a wide range of vascular surgery services. Our surgeons are part of the medical staff at Massachusetts General Hospital, seeing and treating patients locally at our practice, with direct access to the latest research and treatments from one of the best hospitals in the country.

With professionalism and compassion, we’ll listen to your concerns and guide you to optimal health. We treat conditions and diseases that include aneurysm, carotid artery disease, peripheral vascular diseases (PVD), varicose veins, and spider veins, among others. 

We specialize in a variety of procedures and therapies, including: 

  • Radiofrequency ablation procedure
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Venous duplex imaging
  • Aortic aneurysm repair
  • Venous access for chemotherapy and hemodialysis

We listen to your needs and review your medical history so we can recommend the treatment approach that’s best for you. We also communicate with your primary care provider and other specialists--an entire team, working for you.

One of our surgeons is always on call to answer questions that can’t wait until regular business hours.

snhh-icon-additions-01.pngListen to our Podcast

In a recent podcast, Dr. Anahita Dua discusses treatment for peripheral arterial disease and diabetic foot pain, and preventative measures patients can take.

Listen Now

Important Patient Information & Documents

Resources are available for easy access to patient documentation including our medical release
form and to see a list of frequently asked questions.

View All Resources

Meet Our Providers

Meet Our Providers

Directions & Details

Foundation Vascular Surgery

8 Prospect Street
Nashua, NH 03060

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